Rise Up Strategic Plan 2023-2026

“Rise, then, for this is your duty! We are with you, so have courage and act!” Ezra 10:4
St. John Paul II Elementary strives to create a family environment that promotes Catholic values, academic excellence and stewardship which will allow each unique child to be a responsible citizen in our ever-changing world.
St. John Paul II Elementary School will be a Christ-centered school providing a financially sustainable, world-class education for an increasing number of children.
GOAL: Provide a culture and curriculum that fosters holiness through understanding and living the gospel values (teachings of Jesus).
A. Align the St. JP II community and curriculum with the teachings of the Catholic Church.
B. Create prayer, service and worship opportunities for students to grow closer to Christ.
C. Provide on-going formation for faculty and staff to better understand and live the Gospel values.
D. Communicate opportunities for parents to understand and witness Catholic values.
GOAL: Maximize achievement level of each unique student.
A. Maintain on-going assessment of programs and personnel.
B. Practice differentiated instruction.
C. Promote professional development (PD).
D. Explore alternative educational opportunities.
GOAL: Create and maintain programs and practices that increase enrollment.
A. Establish a student retention plan.
B. Create opportunities to communicate testimonials and stories that promote St. John Paul II to parishioners and the community.
C. Make personal contacts with prospective families.
D. Explore expansion of childcare and grade levels.
GOAL: Establish programs and practices that provide funding for a quality Catholic education.
A. Keep tuition affordable.
B. Maintain competitive salaries and benefits.
C. Grow the endowment and additional funding.
D. Communicate needs and appreciation to parishioners.
More About the Strategic Plan
The “Rise Up” Strategic Plan is the result of intentional focus groups, meetings, and consultation with staff, families, and parishioners led by Dr. Thomas Lorang, former Superintendent of Sioux Falls Catholic Schools and interim Mount Marty College President. Each of the four pillars has a committee dedicated to implementing specific objectives. The pillar committees are overseen by the St. John Paul II Education Committee and school chaplain Fr. Yamato Icochea, PES. The plan development process was funded by the Muth Family Endowment through the Mitchell Catholic Foundation.
Pillar Leadership
Catholic Values Pillar Committee: Rick Mueller, Jill Zens, Christine Lemmer, Fr. Yamato Icochea
Academic Excellence Pillar Committee: Robin Cahoy, Shelly Muth
Increased Enrollment Pillar Committee: Renee LeBrun, Kyle Wermers, Shelby VanOverschelde
Financial Stewardship Pillar Committee: Jill Bannwarth, Nathan Sparks, Nicole Fuhrer